Addie Kate Stafford, Copy Editor
Addie Kate Stafford is a 17-year-old junior at Heritage High School. She is returning for a third year in Journalism. She takes part in the Heritage Football Management team; she helps with all practices and games. She is part of Beta Club, Hosa, and Partners Club. She also takes a variety of honors and AP classes. She strives to maintain an ongoing streak of Straight A’s in all of her classes. In her time at Heritage, she has made many valuable friendships and connections, especially on the girls managing team. In her free time she loves to listen to music, read books, or spend time with the people she loves. On top of that, she loves to travel, and experience many new places. She has traveled to many unique places such as Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Mexico, etc. She plans on graduating from Emory University with a Doctorate in Child Psychiatry. She incorporates a tremendous amount of hard work in school to be able to achieve her dreams.