Sophia Isler, Staff Writer
Sophia Isler, or Sophie, is a Sophomore in Heritage High School that strives to do her best. She is looking forward to the new experiences she’ll have with her friends and can’t wait to start another great year. She is 16 years old and enjoys playing tennis, reading, drawing, and baking. Sophie is an all-Honors student and always does what she can to succeed in everything she carries out. She is a returning member of the “General Journal” who enjoys writing articles on anything that piques her interest or gives her a challenge. Her life is filled with a full schedule, but she always manages to make time for herself and others when needed. Sophie enjoys helping others whenever possible, she jumps at any opportunity that shows itself if it helps lighten someone's load. Even though she tries to help everyone she can, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t make time for herself and her hobbies. As mentioned before, she enjoys drawing, and, frankly, anything else that has to do with art, such as painting, playing the flute, and, of course, creative writing. Sophie can’t wait to start the new year and write more articles with the rest of the Journalism staff!