Ashton Sawyer, Co-Editor

Being a successful left fielder can be tough, but sophomore Joseph Hill seems to handle it with no trouble at all. Hill is a starting left fielder for the Heritage baseball team. Joseph played on the JV team as a freshman last year, but was looking to improve and play on varsity. “Hitting was my weakness. I struggled last year, but I worked hard to improve in the off-season,” said Hill. His hard work paid-off as he now starts on varsity as a sophomore. Although he is an underclassman, he plays as if he were a veteran, with incredible arm strength and speed. He plans to continue his baseball career all the way through high school, and even into college. “I hope to get a scholarship somewhere so I can continue to play,” said Hill. The Generals are 6-3 on the year (as of press date) and after suffering a few tough losses, Hill hopes they can improve their record even further. “My favorite game was our first game against Ringgold when we defeated them 10-1.” The Generals have a few straightforward matches in their upcoming future including Pickens and LFO.

Hill does not only play for the school, he also plays for the Cyclones, where he is a second basemen. I asked Hill what his favorite part of baseball was and he replied, “My favorite part is the feeling of being out there with my friends. It’s a really good feeling.”