Ian Grant, Staff Writer
Ian Grant is a 14-year-old freshman at Heritage High School. Ian is very ambitious and loves the fact that he’s part of working on "The Legacy." Ian loves to spend time with his family and friends outside of school. He enjoys hiking, playing golf, and getting attacked by his cat, Survivor. He’s very passionate about sports: he especially loves the Atlanta Falcons a lot. He’s always watching practices, preseason games, and everything related to the team. In basketball, he strongly supports the Golden State Warriors. Even though no one in his family likes basketball, he still tunes into every game he can. The freshman also keeps up with every update on team moves and essential things he needs to know. In baseball, he enjoys supporting The New York Yankees. Although he’s just recently started caring about baseball, he likes the Yankees because of the history, the players, and most of all the uniforms. Outside of the sports realm, in school Ian likes to claim himself good at Language Arts but very bad at math. A nickname he came up for himself is “The King of Random Questions." For entertainment, Ian loves "The Office," along with the "Star Wars" trilogy. He strongly supports the fact that the sequels are better than the originals and the fact that Anakin Skywalker is the best character, not Darth Vader. Ian is always thinking about his future and what’s waiting for him. Also, no matter what happens, the Lord is always with you.